On this page you can download Defused Extended Bold font version Version 1.002 2005, which belongs to the family Defused (Extended Bold tracing). Font manufacturer is Defused-Extended-Bold. Designer - ViNZ (for communication, use the following address: www.reticula.net). Download Defused Extended Bold for free on GetFonts.net. This font belongs to the following categories: art fonts, decorative fonts, free fonts. Font size - only 550 Kb
Copyright | Copyright (c) reticula.net, 2005. All rights reserved. |
Family | Defused |
Tracing | Extended Bold |
Ident | ViNZ: Defused Extended Bold: 2005 |
Full name | Defused Extended Bold |
Version | Version 1.002 2005 |
PostScript name | Defused-ExtendedBold |
Manufacturer | Defused-Extended-Bold |
Size | 550 Kb |
Trademark | Defused Extended Bold is a trademark of reticula.net |
Designer | ViNZ |
URL of designer | www.reticula.net |
License Description | v.1.2 - 02/10/2005 "D E F U S E D" Truetype Font Copyright 2005 by reticula.net - Vincent Wicky ++The personnal and/or non-commercial uses of this font are FREE. However donations are accepted and appreciated ! Thank you for also sending me your creations (whatever the support) ++The professional and/or commercial uses of this font are PROHIBITED unless a small donation is done. Contact me for details ++You are not allowed to distribute these fonts without my permission. Contact me for details. ++You may never ever sell my fonts, include them on CD's or make any changes to the files. ___________________________ E-mail: [email protected] WWW: http://www.reticula.net v.1.2 - 02/10/2005 "D E F U S E D" Police Truetype Tous droits réservés 2005 reticula.net - Vincent Wicky ++L'usage de cette police est GRATUITE pour une utilisation personnel et/ou non-commercial. Toutefois j'acccepte volontier les dons ! Merci de bien vouloir également m'envoyer vos créations (quel que soit le support). ++L'usage de cette police est INTERDIT pour une utilisation professionnel et/ou commercial sans un petit don. Contactez-moi pour les détails. ++Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à distribuer cette police sans ma permission. Contactez-moi pour les détails. ++Interdiction absolue de modifier, revendre ou inclure la police un CD. ________________________ E-mail: [email protected] WWW: http://www.reticula.net //All trademarks are property of their respective owners.// |
You can connect the font Defused Extended Bold to your site, without downloading it from our server. All you need to do - is to follow the instructions below:
Choose the most suitable option to install the font and add this code to your site (paste it immediately after the opening tag <head>):
<link href="https://getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=defused-extended-bold" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
@import url(https://getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=defused-extended-bold);
Activate the font for text in your CSS:
font-family: 'Defused Extended Bold', arial;
Sample source code:
<html> <head> <link href="https://getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=defused-extended-bold" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style>body {font-family : 'Defused Extended Bold', arial;font-size : 48px;text-shadow : 4px 4px 4px #aaa; } </style> </head> <body> <div>Making the Web Beautiful with Defused Extended Bold!</div> </body> </html>
You can apply different styles and CSS, using our effects library, for attractive and individual appearance of your site.